Dogs at the top of agenda
Dogs at the top of agenda
Dog agility parks were on the agenda of the first meeting of the new Hastings District Council animal welfare advisory committee, held last week.
The committee was put together to advise council on the care of dogs in its pound facility, to have input into council’s policies on dog control, and give a community perspective on things like public dog-related facilities on council land.
Council’s animal control manager John Payne told the committee he was looking for the members’ input on animal welfare procedures, dog agility facilities on council-owned land and the district’s leash laws.
The chairman of the new committee, councillor Rod Heaps, says the committee has a reasonably broad ambit, and it is keen to have input across the range.
“Council has built the new pound facilities, and the starting of this committee is an excellent way to further help improve the way we manage dog control. It is an excellent initiative that gets members of all the groups with an interest in animal welfare together in the same room to ensure the community’s voice is heard.”
The committee is made up of representatives from the SPCA, Daileen Kensington, the Ministry of Privary Industries, Naya Brangenberg, Watchdog, Jessica Maxwell, Adoptadog, Daniel Bergloff-Howes, and council, councillor Rod Heaps. It will meet monthly for the first 12 months, and then review the timetable.