Grow Wellington, Govt continue business support partnership

Published: Mon 14 Dec 2015 04:37 PM
Grow Wellington and Government continue business support partnership
Source: Grow Wellington
Grow Wellington, part of the Wellington Regional Economic Development Agency, will continue its partnership with Government to provide support to businesses for another five and a half years.
Since 2011, 1005 small to medium-sized businesses in Wellington have benefited from the Regional Business Partner programme, delivered by Grow Wellington and funded by New Zealand Trade and Enterprise and Callaghan Innovation.
Under the new agreement, Grow Wellington will work with the Wellington Chamber of Commerce, who will provide the Business Mentors service.
Gerard Quinn, Chief Executive of Grow Wellington, says the Regional Business Partner programme plays an important role in increasing the scale of businesses and opening up global opportunities for them.
"From Research and Development assistance for a large manufacturer to a business mentor for a small digital startup, the programme enables a flexible approach so we can provide a business the right level of assistance at the right time in their development."
For more details about the partnership, see this announcement by Minister’s Joyce and Foss:

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