Marae Recycling becoming the norm in Tauranga Moana
Marae Recycling becoming the norm in Tauranga Moana
“Marae recycling is becoming the norm in Tauranga Moana with the Para Kore (Zero Waste) programme” says Para Kore waste advisor Kylie Willison.
“Huria Marae and Wairoa Marae were two of the first marae to sign up to the programme and have successfully taken advantage of the education, ongoing support and access to free resources that the programme provides. Marae not only learn about materials that are able to be recycled in their local area, they also look at other ways to reduce their rubbish such as through composting, worm farming and sensible shopping choices.”
"The kūmara vine is working well and I have received a number of inquiries from Marae, as well as other Maori organisations who want more information about Para Kore" says Kylie Willison. Kylie has made presentations to Iwi Runanga, Hapu, Marae and Councils within Tauranga Moana, and is keen to spread the message even further.
Para Kore is a call to action that aims to end the current take, make, and dispose mentality that we have become accustom to. In its simplest form it is Kaitiakitanga in practice, caring for Ranginui and Papatūānuku. The Para Kore proramme is supported by the Government’s Waste Minimisation Fund and local councils.