Auckland alcohol ban areas finalised
20 October 2015
Auckland alcohol ban areas
From 31 October, the Auckland region will have 726 alcohol ban areas due to a review under the Alcohol Control Bylaw 2014 by Auckland Council and Local Boards.
Auckland had to review more than 1,630
existing alcohol bans across the region due to a requirement
of the Local Government Act and only retain those bans that
met stricter national criteria. Any bans without sufficient
evidence to retain, will lapse.
Cr Calum Penrose, Chair of the Regulatory and Bylaws Committee, says “Alcohol bans were put in place several years ago to keep public places safe and to discourage people from drinking alcohol in open areas and being disruptive. Auckland residents are now familiar with the concept of alcohol bans and responded to this review by providing evidence to keep key bans in their local communities.”
To keep a ban, evidence of alcohol-related crime or disorder specific to an existing ban area was needed. Community input was invaluable to the review process with 2,000 submissions received, providing the Boards with additional evidence of recent alcohol problems happening in the ban areas. Historical data and Police data was also used to finalise ban areas that could be retained under the new criteria.
Of the 726 alcohol bans that will be in place as of 31
October include:
508 existing alcohol ban areas retained
with no change in time or geographical area;
173 existing
now made into 93 larger alcohol ban areas e.g. playground,
car park in park area now one large area covering whole
118 existing alcohol bans that have had times
and/or geographic boundary extended;
7 new ban areas
made; and
there is on-going provision to make new alcohol
bans in the future if there are high levels of
alcohol-related crime or disorder.
Additionally, council reviewed 14 bans on areas of regional significance including Maunga (volcanic cones) and regional facilities such as the Auckland Domain and Zoo. Seven of the existing regional alcohol bans will lapse on 31 October 2015.
The alcohol ban areas that remain in place will have
signage and maps of the areas are available on the council
website. Police will also have access to information on all
alcohol ban areas which will assist them in monitoring any
crime or disorder in these areas. Drinking in any alcohol
ban area is a breach of the bylaw and may incur a fine of