Wellington City Council Flies the Flags
Wellington City Council Flies the
Robert Kelly
At noon on Monday the five flag options for the first referendum were hoisted over the Wellington Town Hall. The wind did not disappoint and the contenders for the new ensign contender spot flapped happily in a spring wind.
The idea for an aerial flag panel was initiated by Mayor Celia Wade Brown who said that “flying the five alternatives as well as the current New Zealand flag provides an opportunity for Wellingtonians to compare each when they are fluttering in a brisk Capital breeze. We’ll be able to choose which of the designs looks best in action, instead of just in print, online or on screen. This will help the public make an informed decision about the choices in November.”
A satirical choice to hang ‘Red Peak’
on the far left had not been taken by the council when
hoisting the flags. Another lost opportunity of the flag