Bromley in custody
Bromley in custody
Following a focused operation in Upper Hutt involving the Armed Offenders Squad, Dog handlers and helicopter assistance Police arrested Robert BROMLEY just after 3pm this afternoon.
A warrant was issued for Bromley's arrest following a breach of his bail conditions. Bromley attempted to evade Police after being sighted in a vehicle in the Pauatahanui area by an off-duty Police officer.
Bromley drove through to the Upper Hutt area
and on to four wheel drive tracks off Moonshine
After being spotted by the helicopter he abandoned his vehicle and was located by Police dogs an hour later in dense bush above the Hutt River. Armed Police were involved as Bromley had made threats earlier in the week to harm himself with a firearm. Bromley was not armed at the time Police apprehended him.
State Highway 2 was closed for a period of time while Police searched for Bromley.
Police would like to thank the public for their patience while the diversions were in place. Please note: This release corrects an earlier version that incorrectly named the man as Richard.