FIT Wellington and Generation Zero joint proposal
FIT Wellington and Generation Zero joint proposal
A proposal to help reduce traffic congestion around the Basin Reserve and also provide rapid public transport from the Railway Station to the Airport was presented to the Regional Transport Committee today.
Making sure we get Fair Intelligent Transport for Wellington is the aim of a group of Wellington professionals who want to see a change in the dominant ‘private motor vehicle culture’. We want to live in a healthy, safe and vibrant city designed for people, not cars. We want a reliable, low-cost, fast and convenient public transport system that takes people where they want, when they want and will complement better walking and cycling facilities.
“FIT Wellington in collaboration with Generation Zero, has concluded that the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) proposal will be a waste of money; it will not go to the airport; it will not be rapid; Lambton Quay will be even more congested; it will not reduce emissions; it will not cope with expected passenger growth” said Michael Barnett, FIT Wellington convenor.
“FIT Wellington has proposed an alternative light rail (tram) system from the station via the hospital, to Kilbirnie and the airport. The proposal is described in a report released to regional mayors today (8th September). This tram proposal will significantly reduce bus congestion along the Golden Mile and around the Basin Reserve; reduce emissions; offer great passenger growth potential; and is affordable. It complements the important ‘do-them-now’ bus improvements already proposed for the Golden Mile.”
“If we start planning now, we could have a world-class light rail tram service between the Railway Station, via the Hospital, to the Airport by 2030, for an estimated cost as low as $450 million” said Mr Barnett.
The FIT Wellington study of tram systems around the world has shown that cost estimates and assumptions presented in the Public Transport Spine Study were inaccurate and are no longer appropriate.
An outline of the proposal, including several options routes, can be viewed here.