Healthy and affordable housing campaign: Auckland launch

Published: Sun 16 Aug 2015 08:11 PM
CPAG Healthy and affordable housing campaign: Auckland launch
Entry Type General Event
When 15:00 18/08/2015 to 16:00 18/08/2015
Where East Tamaki Healthcare Centre, Otara Mall, 120 East Tamaki Rd, Otara
This month, CPAG is campaigning to raise public and political awareness about the poor housing conditions endured by children and families living in poverty in New Zealand.
Please join us at a special CPAG event on 18 August to launch our campaign at the East Tamaki Healthcare Centre in Otara Mall.
Speakers will include Professor Innes Asher and Alan Johnson of Child Poverty Action Group and community representatives.
Every child deserves the best start in a warm, dry, secure home but poor families are at the back of the queue for housing and end up with the worst accommodation. Right now in New Zealand we have children living in garages, boarding houses, caravans, camping grounds and even cars.
Mouldy, damp housing makes children sick and can cause life-long harm. Shifting around a lot, and living in crowded conditions, stops children learning. Such stressful conditions are no way for children and families to live. Urgent action is needed to make sure poor families have decent housing.
Child Poverty Action Group is calling on the Government to act urgently to make sure all rental accommodation is healthy and affordable for families.
Introduce and enforce a Warrant Of Fitness (WOF) for rental housing
Introduce subsidies to get rentals up to a healthy standard.
Urgently review and update the Accommodation Supplement.
Please join us at the launch of our campaign this Tuesday and help us build momentum for urgent action on healthy and affordable housing.

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