Taranaki bus passengers set to increase further
Taranaki bus passengers set to increase further
Taranaki’s public transport is gearing up for further demand predicted in the next three years, on top of an already increasing number of residents choosing buses over private vehicles.
The number of adult passengers riding New Plymouth’s Citylink buses has increased by 66.5 per cent to 37,724 people from 2009 to 2015, while the number of retirees (65+) increased by 53 per cent in the same period, Council bus figures show.
“We’re thrilled with the whopping increases in adult passengers and senior citizens, it’s the biggest increases we’ve seen in these demographics. It’s just a sign of the changing transport trends -we’re seeing more residents, both families, students and working people, seeing the benefits of buses with cost savings, ease of use and simplicity.”
The total passengers taking Citylink buses around New Plymouth has been on an upward trend since 2009. During that time there has been a 327.6 per cent increase in tertiary students using buses, and a 25.7 per cent increase in children and school pupils.
Citylink and Southlink services, covering South Taranaki and New Plymouth district, had a 17.9% increase in overall patronage from 2010-2015, Council figures show.
“I’m thrilled more residents are using our buses, it’s a sign of the continually improved services and more funding for Taranaki buses,” Mr Clarke says.
“We’ve recently completed customer feedback surveys across all our bus services in Taranaki. Results will be analysed and any changes will be announced as a result,” he says.
“We always looking at how we can increase the coverage of buses across Taranaki – in 2010 we went from four to 9 bus routes and increased to 14 trips per route per day in New Plymouth.” Bus schedules and timetables are available at www.trc.govt.nz, libraries and the Taranaki Transport Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TaranakiTransport/
Taranaki Regional Council and NZTA have jointly allocated $5million over the next three years for public transport.