Environment Grant Good News For Kapiti
By John Lancashire
The recent announcement of an award from the Ministry of the Environment ‘s Community Environment Fund of nearly $300,000 to the Friends of Queen Elizabeth Park for their 3 year project “”Increasing biodiversity through community action in the “real” world’, known on Facebook as the “Kapiti Coast Biodiversity Project “ is good news for Kapiti .As probably the largest ever single environmental grant to the Coast it will provide a tremendous boost to conservation in the area. The project has been designed to bring together existing organisations such as the Friends; the Guardians of Whareroa and Nga Uruora plus support from the Nga Manu Trust and Forest and Bird with strong back up from Greater Wellington, KCDC and DOC .
Apart from some off shore islands and fenced mainland ‘islands” biodiversity continues a huge decline in the rest of the country where people live, work and play .This project attempts to improve biodiversity without the benefit of fences but with very intensive pest control. Specific targets are Wetas; skinks and geckos; native fish in streams; very rare dune plants and birds such as kakariki and kaka.Each target species will have a dedicated team with an experienced leader aided by a highly qualified technical adviser .
This project will be a very big challenge and positive improvements in biodiversity will take time .Results will be published in a community handbook .This will help to put useful findings into practice in local areas such as gardens and reserves where people spend their time. There will be a need for volunteers to ensure targets are met and anyone who is interested in helping should contact John at Lancs@paradise.net.nz