Pukekura Reserves Co-Management Trust Board
Pukekura Reserves Co-Management Trust Board
Dunedin (Thursday, 11 June 2015) – The unified management of Pukekura (Taiaroa Head) reserve land is being formalised at a ceremony forming the Pukekura Reserves Co-Management Trust Board Te Poāri a Pukekura.
The event, being held from 10am-1pm, Saturday 13 June at Otago Peninsula’s Royal Albatross Centre, will see Te Rūnanga o Ōtākou, the Korako Karetai Trust, the Dunedin City Council (DCC) and the Department of Conservation (DoC) Board sign the Trust Board agreement to implement the Pukekura Reserves Management Plan.
This date is significant as on 13 June 1840 the Treaty of Waitangi was signed by the chiefs Karetai and Korako on board the HMS Herald while at anchor off Pukekura.
Launched in March 2013, the Plan covers reserves at Pukekura vested in the DCC, the Ngāi Tahu Ancillary Claims Trust and in the Crown (administered by DoC). It is intended to provide a consistent management and policy framework for all of the Pukekura Reserves while promoting kaitiakitanga, or stewardship, of the land. The Plan identifies the Pukekura values as (in order of significance), ecological, cultural, historic, public appreciation, and tourism and commercial.
Dunedin Mayor Dave Cull says, “Formation of the Trust Board is a major step in a process that has involved many years of discussion and work, achieving a collaborative vision and kaitiakitanga for the Pukekura Reserves.
“The reserves are significant for so many reasons. It’s necessary to protect them while allowing for human use. The Trust Board will work with key stakeholders, such as neighbouring property owners, commercial operators and anyone with a vested interest in Pukekura.”