Join to a picnic on a giant field painting
If you're in Wellington, this is an invitation to join us and share food and activities as part of a picnic at Macalister and Liardet Street Parks, Berhamphore, Wellington 12noon - 3pm Sunday 19 April to celebrate a giant field painting that has been created across the parks.
Projected Fields by Siv B Fjærestad is produced by Letting Space, with funding from Wellington City Council Public Art Panel and much collaboration with council staff and local residents. The main picnic area is the west end of Liardet Street Park.
12-3pm Sunday 19 April
Bring your friends, family and lunch, and join in games, painting, history collection and other activities created by park users.
11am Pre-picnic Tai Chi by Tai Chi Associates on Macalister Park
11.50 am If you have a dog - Join a dog walkers parade to top of park (meet at Berhampore dog zone off Stanley Street) - off lead, on lead, off lead.
Procession to south-east corner of Liardet Park (meet at Macalister park)
12noon Bring a blanket and food to share
Spoken word and poetry
Try Acroyoga
Hula Hooping for everyone
12.30pm Zumba
1 pm DJ Kedron Parker
2.15pm The legendary game of Ki o rahi - guided instruction (on Adelaide Rd side)
All day
• Have a go painting the field blindfolded! Bring your mucky clothes
• History Booth - Bring along stories of the area and talk to co-author of the upcoming Berhampore History Kerryn Pollock. Bring photos to be scanned and add to the archive
• Kite making and flying
• Facepainting
• Spot Prizes from local businesses
For more information, weather cancellations and event updates see
(Rain day: Sunday 3 May)