Liquor Laws Ok as They Are
Liquor Laws Ok as They Are
“Further reductions in the hours liquor can be sold from off-licenses will only increase inconvenience and will not reduce harm,” says Stephen Berry of Affordable Auckland. “I call on the Council to ignore any proposals to reduce the hours of liquor sales.”
“Forcing the closure of bars and clubs at 4am and stopping off-license sales at 11pm means liquor laws are restrictive enough and no more harm will be prevented by going further. Fuddy duddy nanny state cranks meddling with the trollies of adults doing their weekly supermarket shop goes too far.”
Presumably Auckland Council believes it will further reduce alcohol harm by preventing intoxicated persons from purchasing alcohol early in the morning or after nine o’clock at night but the Affordable Auckland leader disagrees with this. “I’ve worked in the supermarket industry for sixteen years and I can confirm that supermarkets already do a very good job of following the existing laws preventing the sale of alcohol to intoxicated persons. Whether it is 8am or 10am makes absolutely no difference to their compliance.”
“Alcohol abuse is a cultural issue and it won’t be solved by regulation. People were irresponsible when on-licenses closed at 6pm and when they were open all night. With the current law requiring 4am on-license closing there are still people being stupid with booze. There is no need for any increase in alcohol regulations.”