Consultation opens on options for Wainui Wastewater Scheme
Consultation opens on proposed options for Wainui Wastewater Scheme
Christchurch City Council has paused the delivery of Stage Two of the Wainui Wastewater Reticulation and Treatment Scheme while it seeks feedback on three proposed options for its delivery.
The three proposed
options are:
* Property owners project cost-sharing
arrangements with the Council.
* Deferring the
delivery of the Scheme for inclusion in the 2018/2028 Long
Term Plan.
* Proceeding as planned (financial year
beginning 1 July 2015).
Consultation opens on Monday 9 March 2015 and closes at 5pm on Monday 30 March 2015.
Councillor Phil Clearwater, the Council's Infrastructure, Transport and Environment Committee Chair, says the Council has had to take a close look at the delivery of the Scheme because the Council's finances are under significant pressure as a result of the earthquakes.
"This is disappointing news for the Wainui community who have been eagerly awaiting the delivery of Stage Two of the Scheme, however, the Council has to make some difficult decisions about the funding, timing and scope of projects across the city and Banks Peninsula.
"The consultation is an opportunity for residents to have their voices heard and influence the Council's final decision. Residents can also make a submission on the Scheme through the Draft Long Term Plan 2015/2025 consultation process in mid-March 2015," Mr Clearwater says.
A report on submissions along with technical advice is expected to go to the Infrastructure, Transport and Environment Committee in early June for its recommendation and then to the Council in June for its decision. This decision may also be finalised via the Long Term Plan process.
"Many homes in the Wainui settlement have long-drops, septic tanks or storage tanks for the disposal of their wastewater. Issues can arise with these systems, especially older ones, some of which can be more than 50 years old. For example, septic tanks have a land-based effluent discharge and with heavy or prolonged rain, effluent has the potential to leech into waterways and enter the Harbour," Mr Clearwater says.
Mike Bourke, Senior Technician Water and Waste Planning, says, "The main environmental issue, to remove treated wastewater discharge into Akaroa Harbour, was successfully addressed in May 2013 with Stage One of the Wainui Wastewater Reticulation and Treatment Scheme.
"This saw treated wastewater from some properties discharging into the Akaroa Harbour diverted to a Council-owned forestry block above Warnerville Road. As a condition of wastewater discharge consents, the Council must regularly report its water quality monitoring results to Environment Canterbury. The results consistently show that water quality in Akaroa Harbour is graded as "good" for recreational purposes, even without the Stage Two work being done. However, following heavy rain there is some potential for water quality to be affected.
"The second stage of the Scheme, which is now on hold, is to provide residents with a reticulated wastewater disposal system. The proposed Scheme is a low pressure sewer system using small on-property pressure grinder pumps to pump untreated wastewater from each property to a new treatment plant located near the top of Warnerville Road," Mr Bourke says.
The consultation
booklet can be viewed online at Further
information about these three options and the consultation
process is available online at Submissions
on these three proposed options can be made a number of
ways: * Through the Council's website:
Freepost 178 (no stamp required) The Council will be
holding the following drop-in sessions for people to speak
to Council staff and make a submission: Wainui is a small, largely holiday settlement
with a current permanent population of 111
residents. - ends
By email:
(Please make sure your full name and address is included
with your submission)
* In writing to:
Wainui Wastewater
Reticulation and Treatment Scheme
Christchurch City
PO Box 73011
Christchurch Mail
Christchurch 8154
12 March
Civic Offices, 53 Hereford Street,
14 March 10am-2pm
Wainui Community Centre, Wainui Main Road,
There are approximately 160 homes in total, of
which 60 house the permanent residents. Wastewater from the
34 properties comprising the subdivision in Seaview Lane are
serviced by a small treatment plant built by the developer
which, until 2013, discharged treated wastewater into Akaroa
Harbour. All other properties in the Wainui settlement are
serviced by private septic tanks, long drops or storage