NZTE Resisted Ateed's Push into London
NZTE Resisted Ateed's Push into London
21 FEBRUARY 2015
The Taxpayers' Union can reveal that New Zealand Trade and Enterprise resisted attempts by Auckland Council's economic development arm to create a new role in London for one of its former executives. Responding to the NZ Herald story published today, Taxpayers' Union Executive Director, Jordan Williams, says:
"The Taxpayers' Union has also been asking the Auckland Council questions regarding the unusual nature of Mr Jenkin's appointment. We were approached by a whistleblower inside New Zealand Trade and Enterprise a few weeks ago and understand that NZTE expressed concern with the appointment."
"The United Kingdom is not a priority market for ATEED. It looks very clear that they've set out to create a cushy job in London, rather than fulfil a need for ratepayers."
"Once again Auckland Council and ATEED are taking ratepayers for a ride."