Mayor must recall Council to debate Light Rail proposal
[Statement from David Thornton]
Mayor must recall Council to debate Light Rail proposal
Councillors and public confused by new transport plan.
The proposal by Auckland Transport for a possible new Light Rail system being released on the same day that Auckland Council issued its draft 10-year plan [LTP] is a classic example of the right hand not knowing what the left hand is doing.
The Council's Plan makes absolutely no mention of a Light Rail despite highlighting Public Transport, and the City Rail Link in particular, as the major issue for Auckland over the next 10 years.
Councillors are claiming that they were totally unaware of the Light Rail proposal which is announced in the Regional Transport Plan now open for public consultation.
The Council's Long Term Plan is also open for public consultation during period.
This is a situation of great confusion for ratepayers and residents who want to play their part by making submissions on the Long Term plan.
The situation also brings into question the whole SuperCity format with so-called Council Controlled Organisations [CCOs] operating key council services such as roads and public transport, water and sewerage services, property development, ports etc,
These CCOs are beyond the direct and policy control of elected councillors, and are subject only to annual "Statements of Intent" [SOIs]
The possibility of a Light Rail system extending to the North Shore will have strong appeal on both sides of the Harbour and could prove to be a much more effective answer to Auckland's transport woes.
The Mayor should immediately recall his full Council to examine and debate the implications of a Light rail system and assess if it is a viable option or addition to the transport programme in the 10-year Long Term plan.