Scarborough Paddling Pool to re-open
Scarborough Paddling Pool to re-open
The rebuilt Scarborough Paddling Pool will re-open to the public tomorrow (Saturday 20 December).
Christchurch City Council has rebuilt the paddling pool on Scarborough Esplanade, which has been closed to the public since it was damaged beyond repair in the 22 February 2011 earthquake.
The new facility includes a splash pad, seating and water toys alongside the paddling pool. A temporary fence has been erected ahead of the pool's re-opening this weekend. Permanent fencing and landscaping will be completed and timber shade pavilions will be installed in time for the pool's official opening party on 4 February next year.
Director Council Facilities and Infrastructure Rebuild David Adamson says visiting the new paddling pool will give families a huge boost this summer, particularly because it has been almost four years since many were last able to do so.
"So many residents have told us how much seeing this paddling pool being rebuilt means to them.
"Like other communities in the east, Sumner has been hard hit by the earthquakes and the effects of these on the land and hillsides in the area. Bearing this in mind, we asked for geotechnical advice before rebuilding on the site. Before re-opening the pool to the public, Council geotechnical experts have visited the site again this week and concluded there is no, or very little, risk to the paddling pool site. They have reiterated that some geotechnical work was carried out on the cliff after the earthquakes to protect the road next to the paddling pool," Mr Adamson says.
"We are satisfied the risk to families using the pool is low but, as a precautionary measure, we're erecting a temporary fence around the site, which will be replaced with a permanent fence in the New Year. We're hoping this will be a perfect spot for families to enjoy a picnic and a paddle over the summer," he says.
A blessing of the site will be held tomorrow at 7am.
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