'Hundertwasser' bollards in Whangarei to be repainted
Whangarei residents urged to see 'Hundertwasser' bollards before they are gone

In a burst of 'artivism' in support of the proposed Hundertwasser Maori Wairau Art Centre in Whangarei someone has painted bollards at the town basin in bright Hunderwasser-inspired colours. The images, posted on the Whangarei Loves Hundertwasser Facebook page, quickly got over 500 likes but residents won't be able to see the #hflash of colour for long!
The council has indicated they will be repainted to their original dark green colour as soon as weather allows.
Many supporters have been suggesting that they might do their own #hflash on letterboxes and shop fronts and are encouraging Hundertwasser supporters anyway to tweet colour and art in support.
The Hundertwasser building proposal is to be put to Whangarei residents and absentee-ratepayers in March as one of three referendum options for the waterside building that has been vacant for 10 years. The original Hundertwasser Art Centre proposal was narrowly rejected by council in June amid concerns about the cost to WDC. The new proposal provides an extra $5 milllion of non-WDC funding and a 10 year underwrite of operating costs.
The other options are 'Harbourside', which includes a maritime museum and demolishing the building and planting grass.