Wellington Mayor’s response to general election
Wellington Mayor’s response to general election
Wellington Mayor Celia Wade-Brown says the Capital City
is eager to work with Prime Minister John Key's cabinet and
local MPs of all parties in the interests of Wellington.
She has congratulated the Prime Minister on the election result and looks forward to continuing a positive working relationship.
“We have an exciting plan for Wellington's development and we look forward to working with central government to achieve it,” says Mayor Wade-Brown.
“I’ve led a strong growth agenda including proposals for a convention centre, film museum, indoor concert arena and marine education centre.
“We will seek central government support for the capital for projects including earthquake strengthening for significant heritage buildings, multimodal transport improvements, airport runway extension, affordable housing, investment in tech hubs and renewable energy.
“We’re pleased to have Memorial Park - Te Pukeahu - almost complete and Watts Peninsula on its way to being a heritage park.
“We seek support for the Town Belt Bill from all parties.
The Capital City plays an important role in the nation and we will work closely with the Government and its agencies on our international connections and welcome for the diplomatic community.
There is also much a capital city can do for our vulnerable citizens, our recognition internationally for arts, and our unique biodiversity.
Last night, Mayor Wade-Brown visited National, Labour and Green election-night events.
She says her office is arranging meetings with MPs, both electorate and list.