Kapiti Run for Youth right behind Youth Quest
Kapiti Run for Youth right behind Youth Quest
wondered what Youth Quest does in our local community? They
are a character mentoring, programme based organisation,
with a passion to practically and effectively work with
young people and their families within Kapiti.
Terry Poko explains that “mentoring is an interaction between a more experienced person and a less experienced person with the intention of guiding and motivating the young person”. He goes on to say, “we run two key programmes and we rely on sponsors and supporters so we can measure change in young men’s lives through the work we do”.
“When Web Genius approached us around three years ago we were humbled by the event they were proposing to run as it would clearly benefit the work we do. 80% of our funding comes from private sources so when Web Genius offered to help we said yes please”!
All contributions to Youth Quest are ploughed in to two key programmes:
The Operations Programme includes a bush camp phase followed by a classroom phase, dealing with issues like managing stress and anger, drug and addiction management, personal presentation and communication, leadership and team building, work experience and a graduation ceremony. The programme runs for six weeks and is followed by 12 months of mentoring.
The Mentoring Programme allocates a Mentor to each boy who walks along-side them, raises their life aspirations and helps them access the services required to achieve these aspirations. The objectives of this programme are to:
1. Develop a positive self-image within young people
2. Provide positive adult role models
3. Create an environment where youth feel safe and secure
4. Develop healthy peer relationships
5. Develop strong relationships within the whanau
6. Develop potential to allow them to do something positive with their lives
7. Assist youth to make good decisions
8. Encourage and build the leadership qualities in youth
There are two
important Mentoring personalities at Youth Quest, Terry Poko
and Darcy Hata. Both bring compassion, life experience and
practical balance when making a difference with the boys
that enter and graduate through the Youth Quest
Richard Calkin and his team at Web Genius are right behind Youth Quest and wants many other locals to do the same. You can register either individually or a group to complete the 12km walk, 6km walk, 12km run or the 6km run. The date for this event is Sunday 2 November 2014.
“Help us to raise more money than what we did last year, which was a whopping $14,000”, says Richard. Go to our web site and register today, www.kapitirunforyouth.co.nz – there is a $20 qualifying fee that can be raised through sponsorship.