Standing with Israel rally
In response to a planned set of rallies decrying Israel as an aggressive bully we are holding a STANDING WITH ISRAEL RALLY in the centre of Hastings at the clock tower tomorrow (Saturday) from 12:00 to 12:30 pm
Our purpose is to stand alongside the State of Israel and show solidarity and support for its right to defend itself against the jihadist and dictatorial regime of the Hamas government in Gaza.
We hold no animosity or ill-will toward those who disagree with us. However, we have decided to exercise our democratic right in rallying in support of Israel. We cannot understand why the only true bastion of democracy and freedom in the Middle East is so often the target of hostile reporting in the West. We also do not understand why major news agencies fail to report the atrocities and repression of the Hamas regime in Gaza, an organization that is against everything we hold dear: freedom, justice and peace.
We state today:
1. We have no hatred toward anyone, but we choose to stand with Israel.
2. Israel is a peace-loving nation that is forced to fight to protect its citizens.
3. Israel is exercising its right to defend itself.
4. The people of Gaza are suffering because of the belligerence of Hamas.
5. There will be peace if Hamas stops firing its rockets into Israel.
6. The International Community, and in particular the media, have wrongly put the blame on Israel for the deaths of civilians in Gaza.
7. The peoples of the Middle East must recognise that Israel is a Jewish State and has the right to live in that land.
We as ordinary Kiwis have come together to make this public stand in the hope of bringing greater awareness of the truth to our community.
Rally Spokesman: Pastor Nigel Woodley
Flaxmere Christian Fellowship