Creating healthy households and communities
Creating healthy households and communities
Discover new ways to be kinder to the earth, with the free ‘healthy household and communities’ seminar featuring Ecostore founder, Malcolm Rands and The Natural Step senior associate Simon Harvey the seminar is free, funded by Palmerston North City Council.
Sustainability coordinator Pat Cronin says we all have light switch moments in our lives, when we decide do things differently or more purposefully.
“Malcolm’s story is one of these and Simon has his own intriguing tale to tell of how his life’s work advocates to shifting systems toward sustainability,” says Pat.
“The talk aims to empower people to make simple changes to their daily lives, which will have tangible results on our health, our waterways and our ecosystem. Healthy rivers and waterways are the life of our planet – the local Manawatū River Accord expresses it this way: Kei te ora te wai, kei te ora te whenua, kei te ora te tangata - If the water is healthy, the land and the people are nourished.”
This seminar is part of ‘Love Your River’, a council education and awareness campaign aimed at reducing negative impacts on the city’s waterways.
The two hour seminar is on Thursday 14 August at the Globe Theatre, and starts at 6:45pm. Spaces are limited so register by contacting