Hutt City Council sets rates for year ahead
Hutt City Council sets rates for year ahead
Hutt City Council struck the rates for the 2014/15 financial year last night, with the average rates increase for the city being 2.6%, as forecast in the Draft Annual Plan.
Hutt City CEO Tony Stallinger says, “Hutt City Council has a long history of being careful and considered when it comes to spending and we will continue to have one of the lowest average rates increases and debt levels in the region.
“The change in rates varies across sectors of our community. For example, the average residential rates increase within our city will be 6.0% whereas the average business rates in our CBD will drop by 11%. The variation is mainly owing to the impact of a three-yearly property revaluation, which has affected each sector and property differently.
“As a council it is our responsibility to show leadership to get the city moving forward and I believe we’ve made the right decisions to achieve that. Council has struck a good balance between rates and debt levels, and investment in our city’s future.”
Overall, Council’s revenue from rates will increase by approximately 3.3% in the year ahead. This comprises our average 2.6% increase and an estimated 0.7% growth in rateable property in the city.
To encourage revitalisation of the Hutt City CBD, Council has extended the existing development charges and rates remissions policies for certain types of developments in the city.
The policy, which previously covered only new developments, now covers the conversion or redevelopment of existing buildings.