GWRC wants your views to help shape Climate Change Strategy
GWRC wants your views to help shape Climate Change Strategy
Greater Wellington Regional Council is calling for input into the development of its Climate Change Strategy.
The Strategy will shape council policy by ensuring decisions take into account the impacts climate change is likely to have on the Wellington Region, and ways of reducing emissions.
“As the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reported earlier this year, the impacts of climate change are being felt on every continent and communities around the world are largely ill-prepared for the effects,” GWRC strategic planning manager Nicola Shorten says.
“GWRC considers the impacts of climate change in carrying out our work, including in biodiversity management, pest control, flood protection, bulk water supply and transport planning. As well as planning for and adapting to the effects of climate change, we also want to ensure we are doing all we can to mitigate climate change by addressing greenhouse gas emissions.
“We want to ensure we are being as consistent as possible in our approach to reducing emissions and adapting to the effects of climate change. To achieve this we are developing the Climate Change Strategy.”
Engagement for the Climate Change Strategy opened on June 20 and will close on August 1.
For more information, or to tell us your views, visit