Record Numbers for Nelson SPCA Dogs’ Day Out
Record Numbers for Nelson SPCA Dogs’ Day Out
The Nelson SPCA is celebrating a successful Dogs’ Day Out 2014, with record numbers of dogs and their owners attending the annual event at Isel Park on Sunday.
Previously named the Million Paws Walk, Dogs’ Day Out is an annual event designed to celebrate the importance of dogs and their caregivers in our community, whilst raising funds for Nelson SPCA.
Nelson SPCA Event Coordinator, Summer Marvin, says the organisers and sponsors were pleased with the turnout and funds raised.
“The day was hugely successful, with over one hundred and forty registrants joining in on the fun and festivities, lots of spectators from the local community coming along to enjoy the spectacle, and over two thousand dollars raised for the SPCA,” says Ms Marvin.
“The feedback we had was great and it was really special to see dogs which have been re-homed from the SPCA there. The Dress-a-Thon and Fun Dog Show were definite highlights, with participants receiving some fantastic prizes including a year’s supply of K9 Plus from O2B Healthy.”
Dogs’ Day Out 2014 was sponsored by O2B Healthy, Hill’s Pet Nutrition, Nelson More FM 92.8 and The Leader. Proceeds from the event went to the Nelson SPCA - providing care and shelter to animals in need.