Submissions on Proposed Hastings District Plan to close
January 29th 2014
Submissions on Proposed Hastings District Plan about to close
Submissions close on the proposed Hastings District Plan on Friday 14th February.
The plan sets out the strategic direction for the district and outlines the rules that manage land use and subdivision. These rules ensure that the effects of activities on neighbours and the environment are considered and they can also have an effect on what you do on your property.
The Proposed District Plan was released for public comment on the 9th November 2013 and is a review of the current district plan which was made operative in 2003.
Chairman of the District Plan Review Working Party Mick Lester says “The District Plan is subject to a thorough review once every ten years and I urge everyone to take this chance to give their views on the proposed plan.”
Mr Lester says “Council has organised a number of public meetings to explain the major changes to the proposed plan and we have worked closely with the Napier City Council, to ensure that the provisions of the plan are more closely aligned between the two areas.”
Following the closing of submissions, they will be summarised and then further submissions invited. The calling of further submissions allows the original submissions to be supported or opposed by the public. The notification for further submissions is likely to occur in April 2014.
You can view the plan and make a submission at
The proposed plan can also be viewed at Hastings District Council Service Centre, Lyndon Road or at any Hastings District Library. Submission forms are also available at these locations.
Timeline for development of Hastings
District Plan