20% of People Don’t Insure Their Contents
17 December 2013
20% of People Don’t Insure Their Contents - Tips For Protection Over the Holiday Period
The Insurance Council of New Zealand has today provided householders with some important tips to assist with the protection of their assets over the holiday period.
“The Christmas holiday period is the time of year when many burglaries occur. It is extremely important for householders to check the security of their car, home and the contents of their home and avoid becoming a burglary statistic this holiday period,” Chief Executive Tim Grafton said.
“We know that one in five Kiwis don’t bother to take out insurance to cover their house contents. These people should consider taking out cover for any possible loss that may occur through theft or natural disaster like flooding,” he said.
“Even if you have insurance, it would pay to check it doesn’t run out over the holiday period.”
Some simple steps will help with peace of mind over the holiday period:
Ensure your home and contents policy is up
to date and that you are adequately insured.
Make a detailed list of your possessions,
including serial numbers and model numbers.
Mark all ‘big ticket’ items with a
code or name to prove your ownership.
Register your valuable possessions on the
Police website www.snap.org.nz – it
will make it easier for Police to track down goods and
assist with your contents claims.
Ask your neighbours, friends or family to
pick-up any newspapers or mail that builds up while you are
away from home.
• Take photos of
special items and jewellery and keep them with a copy of
your insurance policy.
• Review your
cover after Christmas to include any valuable items you may
In relation to motor vehicle insurance, owners should:
• Check their vehicle is
properly insured and the insurance policy is current.
Report any accidents to their insurance
company immediately.
• Always lock
their vehicle and ensure personal belongings are not
In addition, it is important to check with your insurer what you are, or are not, covered for under your home and contents policy if:
• you
are away from your home for a longer period
friends are staying in your home while you
are away.
• you are planning to make
your home available for a house swap.
If travelling overseas, take out travel insurance even if you are going to Australia or the Pacific Islands, especially to cover medical treatment costs or the costs of repatriation to New Zealand. Remember:
• foreign medical
costs and repatriation can cost hundreds of thousands of
• disclose to your insurer
any pre-existing medical conditions otherwise you may find
your cover excluded – you may still be able to get cover
but at a higher premium.
• read your
policy as many exclude cover for higher-risk activities and
if you don’t understand what the policy says ask your
insurer to explain it.
“Updating your insurance policies should be first and foremost in the minds of homeowners during the Christmas period, particularly if you are planning to travel or if you live in a flood-prone area,” said Mr Grafton.