Landmarks and Street As awards encourage civic pride
Landmarks and Street As awards encourage civic pride
Outstanding features and improvements to the street appeal of homes and businesses in the Hastings District will be recognised when the 2013 Landmarks awards and Tremains Street As awards are presented next week.
The Landmarks awards began in 2004 and recognise projects which make a significant contribution to the promotion of the district’s image, identity, place and civic pride.
Awards will be made for architecture, landscape, history, art in public places and façade enhancement, with the overall winner being presented the Jeremy Dwyer Supreme award. The Landmarks Trust was the brainchild of former Mayor, the late Jeremy Dwyer as a vehicle to promote civic pride through the enhancement of the natural and built environment.
In 2011 the Jeremy Dwyer Supreme Award was won by the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council for the restoration of Pekapeka Swamp and the beautification of Pakowhai Country Park. No awards were presented in 2012.
The evening will begin with the presentation of the
inaugural Tremains Street As awards. The competition is an
initiative of the Landmarks Trust that encouraged home and
building owners to look at making some improvements to the
front of their property which added to the street
Awards will be presented in residential,
commercial, industrial and wildcard categories.
The guest speaker will be Whakatu based, international furniture and lighting designer, David Trubridge
The awards will be presented at a function to be held on Tuesday 3rd December 2013 from 5pm in the Assembly Room at the Hawke’s Bay Opera House. The ceremony is open to the public but anyone wishing to attend should register at