Update on Ōtaki Gorge slip
Update on Ōtaki Gorge slip
4 NOVEMBER 2013.
The big slip that closed the Ōtaki
Gorge Road on Saturday is unlikely to be cleared until
Around 1000 cubic metres of debri slipped onto the road late morning Saturday closing the road and trapping a number of day visitors to the Tararua Forest Park.
Council was quickly on to the job with road maintenance contractors Downers. Two diggers and four trucks have been working in the area since to clear the slip.
The slip is across a narrow section of the road where it drops into a tight gully called Devil’s Elbow. It’s about 11 kilometres in from SH1.
The road-end is a popular destination for day trippers, campers and trampers entering the Tararua Range.
Twenty-four vehicles are currently stuck behind the slip. Some belong to day trippers and some to trampers. Twelve of the day trippers were fed and put up for the night by the park ranger who lives at the end of the road at Ōtaki Forks.
When the slip occurred, Council made temporary arrangements in case a helicopter might be required to lift an elderly person out who had recently undergone surgery. Food was also ferried across the slip face to support people trapped.
A major walk across the slip was undertaken at 5pm yesterday involving 29 day trippers and trampers. DOC staff with the help of private motorists then ferried people to SH1 and the train station.
Part of the slip face continues to slump as debri is
cleared from the road. The best estimate so far is the road
will be open tomorrow.