Rolling Book Sale At Ruapehu Libraries
Ruapehu District Council
Rolling Book Sale At Ruapehu Libraries

Avid readers can now buy withdrawn loan books from any of Ruapehu District Council (RDC) libraries for a gold coin donation as part of a ‘rolling book sale’.
RDC Community Librarian, Fiona Thomas, said that the ‘rolling book sale’ helps to fund the 3,000 plus new books the libraries buy in every year while making much needed shelf space available for the new books.
“At any time at the Taumarunui, Ohakune or Raetihi library there are now a selection of withdrawn books for sale,” she said.
“The books are all in good condition with both fiction and non-fiction titles, in hard back and soft back, covering a wide range of genres.”
“If you’re daring to start thinking about summer holidays and are looking to start stocking up on some good cheap books for the beach or the lake your local library is the place to start.”
Mrs Thomas said that there is everything from thrillers to romance to science fiction, fantasy, war, health and beauty, New Zealand history and everything in between available.”
“The books on offer include many popular and well known authors such as Ian Rankin, Val McDermid, Joanna Trollope and many others.”
“All proceeds from any book sales are re-invested into the council libraries,” she said.