Who in your community makes it a better place to be?
Who in your community provides a service that makes it a better place to be?
National Awards Manager for the Kiwibank New Zealander of the Year Awards, Glyn Taylor, talks about the challenge of encouraging nominations.
“It’s really about getting people to recognise good things that people do and be proactive about those experiences” said Taylor.
For example, whilst sharing coffee with friends, I was asking about their association with a community group that over the years has been responsible for keeping 1000’s of Kiwis and visitors to NZ safe on the water. This organisation has a small number of paid employees but is managed by a committee who are all volunteers and deal with everything from fundraising to day to day operations. Without their commitment a vital resource to the region just would not happen. Yet with over 500 members no nomination had been received. “This is so typical, I have no doubt that there are many such organisations that exist throughout New Zealand. Their contribution is vital to many yet they seek no recognition and because they don’t, we just accept what they do without to much thought.”
Taylor said “we need to ensure that we take time to recognise and show our appreciation. That’s what these awards are about, ensuring that the efforts of a few, are celebrated and rewarded by the many that benefit from them.”
Nominations close on 30 September and can be made on line. Visit our website at www.nzawards.org.nz and nominate your local community group for the 2014 Mitre 10 Community of the Year award – they deserve it!
For information or assistance in submitting a nomination:
toll free: 0508 692 927
Email: info@nzawards.org.nz