Brothels not welcome near Epsom schools
Brothels not welcome near Epsom schools
For Immediate Release
9th September 2013
Commercial sex establishments on Manukau Road Epsom are not welcome, says a local resident and a candidate for the Albert-Eden Local Board election.
The brothels identified on Manukau Road are within walking distance of Epsom Girls Grammar, an early childhood centre, a marae, library and bus stops where young girls congregate.
“Mothers have been complaining about the foul language coming out of the named establishment,” says Bevan Chuang, a local resident and a candidate for the Albert-Eden Local Board election. “They were very distressed with such behaviours in the present of their daughters and friends.”
“It is equally distressing to learn that they were operated by Chinese,” continues Chuang. “They do not seem to understand the Auckland Council’s bylaw and believe their actions are legally acceptable.”
“The Chinese community in general are not supportive of their behaviour, blaming them for ruining our reputation as good citizens and turning Epsom into a red-light district.”
Epsom residents are urging the Council to have a closer look at and reviewing the commercial sex industry bylaws and to ensure such establishments do not operate within the residential area. More dialogue with the ethnically diverse operators is also required as the current social support by the New Zealand Prostitute Collectives cannot meet the growing number of Asian operators.