Upper Hutt City Council embraces HTML5 for Xplorer web app
Media release
Thursday, 5 September 2013
Upper Hutt City Council embraces HTML5 for its Xplorer web application
Property and rating information has just been made easier to access on the go thanks to the implementation of HTML5 capability.
UPPER HUTT, Wellington NZ, 05 SEP 2013—Upper Hutt City Council’s innovative Xplorer web application has been further improved with the introduction of HTML5 viewer capability. Demand has been increasing from both ratepayers and businesses to access this valuable information through mobile devices. The integration of HTML 5 into the web application will enable these devices to access the information from their web browsers.
The Council has an obligation to provide quick and easy access to core Council data such as Property and Rating details, location of underground services, district planning information and a variety of other information.
Xplorer, which already operates as a functionally rich viewer on PCs has, up until now, been using Microsoft’s Silverlight platform. Although the technology works well, it does necessitate the installation of a Silverlight plugin in order to work. With the increased use of mobile devices, and in particular, tablets, this is no longer a complete solution as many such devices run on competing platforms.
“This new solution is ideal for contractors,” says Council’s Information Systems Manager, Steve Lock. “They can now actually check the information on site with their mobile devices, which will speed up information turnaround and resulting outputs.”
Likewise, potential house buyers will be able to access property information as they visit places on their wish list.
For more information on the use of the new and existing viewer please go to www.upperhuttcity.com/xplorer