Te Maunga/State Highway 2 traffic changes this weekend
Tauranga Eastern Link – Te Maunga/State Highway 2 traffic changes this weekend
Motorists are advised that as part of the NZ Transport Agency’s (NZTA) Tauranga Eastern Link project, there will be traffic changes taking place along State Highway 2 at Te Maunga near the Bay Park stadium.
These traffic changes are required to allow construction to start on the Tauranga Eastern Link’s southbound lanes and to complete the new residential access road, Te Maunga Lane.
The first stage of the traffic changes, the closure of the State Highway 2 southbound slip lane at Te Maunga roundabout, took place at the end of July. . This slip lane will be reopened when the new southbound lanes are completed later in 2013.
The second stage of the traffic changes will occur this weekend when all north and south bound State Highway 2 traffic at Te Maunga is moved on to the new section of road (approximately 1km in length) adjacent to the railway.
Commencing Sunday afternoon 11 August through until early Monday morning 12 August, temporary traffic management will be in place on State Highway 2. Motorists are advised to take extra care and to follow all detours in the area during this time.
Coinciding with the traffic switch, two new residential access lanes, Te Maunga Lane and Oceandowns Way, will open on Monday 12 August as all direct access onto and off State Highway 2 by residents will be permanently closed. Access to these properties will be from either Gloucester Road or Eversham Road. All residents, visitors and service vehicles will be required to use the new access lanes.
Motorists are advised to drive with care and to expect delays as traffic adjusts to the new road layout. This work is weather dependent, and if wet, the work will be undertaken on the next suitable day.
The NZTA thanks motorists for their patience and ongoing co-operation while construction on the Tauranga Eastern Link project continues.
Keep up-to-date with developments at www.nzta.govt.nz/tel