Convention Centre Consultation
Convention Centre Consultation
26 July 2013
Documents outlining the case for a Queenstown Lakes District Council-lead development of a convention centre are now available to inform consultation over the proposal, QLDC Mayor Vanessa van Uden announced today.
“This is a bold and innovative project for our District but its success is completely reliant on community support. It’s a once-in-generation opportunity to help secure our economic future,” Mayor van Uden said.”
Council would undertake district-wide consultation from next week, with a summary of the proposal delivered to every household in the District inserted in the Wanaka Sun and Mirror (Wakatipu) and as a direct mail out to every out-of-town ratepayer. A separate, independent, phone survey will also be undertaken during August.
“The summary report asks for public feedback on a range of issues from site location to funding models for a convention centre and gives a broad outline of what is proposed,” she said.
More detailed specialist reports had also been prepared including site location, economic impact of the QCC and the economic impact potential of each site.
All reports and the summary could be obtained from QLDC offices and libraries or viewed online at Click here and feedback can be made online from Tuesday.