Urban Growth Strategy consultation
21 JUNE 2013
Urban Growth Strategy consultation
Hutt City Council received a strong response on its Draft Urban Growth Strategy with over 400 written submissions or questionnaire responses received from a wide cross section of the community.
A total of 40 submitters also took the opportunity to have their voice heard at a full day of hearings on the draft strategy held on 17 June.
‘‘The consultation process has been very positive and we’ve had some great feedback that’s going to be very helpful in assisting the Council to make decisions on how the city can move forward,’’ says Hutt City Chief Executive Tony Stallinger.
In general, the feedback supported the draft urban growth strategy for a more ambitious and proactive approach to development across the city.
Further greenfield development in Kelson was well supported by the community and by the landowners in the area. There was also some support from the community for further greenfield development in Wainuiomata, but on a smaller scale.
“The consultation process has thrown up other opportunities that were not considered in the Draft Urban Growth Strategy and these will be looked at.
“It would also be fair to say there was a very vocal response from some Upper Fitzherbert residents and landowners opposed to general residential development in their area of Wainuiomata,” he says
Submitters also support for further intensification with over 70% supporting either moderate or proactive intensification as proposed in the draft strategy. Submitters want to see further apartment development in the city and in the CBD in particular, although submitters were keen to see low rise developments elsewhere in the city too.
Submitters have made it clear that our community is comfortable with further intensification provided there is design oversight, such as design guides, as a means of promoting good quality intensive development and improving the character of neighbourhoods.
The City Development Committee will be making recommendations to Council on the process when it meets on 17 July 2013.