Build consenting in Christchurch needs improvement
13 June, 2013
Build consenting in Christchurch needs improvement
Builders, materials suppliers and designers will applaud the efforts of the Government to better the local government consenting process in Christchurch says the Building Industry Federation.
The Federation’s Chief Executive, Bruce Kohn, said today that delays occurring in Christchurch had been a significant source of concern for the building and construction industry over several months.
“Delays in this process are both costly and frustrating to the building chain. A simplification of application forms, an increase in skilled staff and more streamlined procedures will help both officials and industry better the working of the system to the satisfaction of council and industry.
“It is good to note that Earthquake Recovery Minister Gerry Brownlee is listening to the industry view that improvements are necessary if building costs are to be held down and the pace of the rebuild gather further momentum.
“Consent officials are at a pivotal point in the rebuild process. We understand that pressures on them in Christchurch are considerable. But we do expect them to be given the support they need from the Council to keep pace with surging industry needs so that new build and renovation projects can get underway as quickly as possible.”