No Council Funds for Holy Trinity Cathedral
Press Release
Affordable Auckland
No Council Funds for Holy Trinity Cathedral
Affordable Auckland Waitemata & Gulf Council candidate Stephen Berry says not one cent of ratepayer money should go to Holy Trinity Cathedral for any reason. “It is far out of the bounds of core Council services to be giving millions of dollars of other people’s money to religious organisations. The Cathedral’s application should be dismissed immediately.”
“At a time when the $3 million cost of mowing Auckland’s grass verges is quite rightly being cut from the Auckland City Council budget, it seems ludicrous to then consider giving $3 million to a church to get their organ repaired. This is especially so when one considers our Council is currently borrowing $1 billion annually.
Mr. Berry is also disappointed to see support for the application coming from individuals he previously had thought were frugal with other people’s money, such as Orewa councillor Cameron Brewer. “I think it is a bit rich for Mr. Brewer to complain about the massive rates increases occurring in his ward while simultaneously advocating for ratepayers to repair a church’s musical instrument. How about some consistency Cameron?”
Stephen Berry rejects the reasoning of Very Rev Jo Kelly-Moore, who believes that as the majority of people visiting the Cathedral do so for non-religious reasons, it is a building for all Aucklanders, therefore justifying their requesting ratepayer funding. “I recommend that if the Cathedral genuinely thinks of itself as a tourist attraction, they be a bit more obvious in their placement of donation plates by the entrance. Those who really want to fund Church renovations can choose to do so themselves.
“Finally, I believe it is morally repugnant for ratepayer funds to be spent on organisations which insist upon the practise of discrimination against homosexuals. While I agree that private organisations have the right to decide what traditions and practises they wish to follow, that does not mean other persons should be forced to fund it through Council grants.”