Green Success - CentrePort To Move To Recapture Tech
Media statement:
Green Success - CentrePort Declares Its Intention To Move To Recapture Technology
"Recapture of fumigants is just another small step in the right direction for our 100% New Zealand pure brand, " according to Greater Wellington Regional Councillor Paul Bruce.
" I am delighted for all
the Port workers and crew on log carrying cargo ships that
CentrePort has declared its intention to move to recapture
technology. It also means that we will finally be
following the intent of the Montreal Protocol of 1987,
which placed an obligation on signaturies
"minimise emissions and use of methyl bromide through containment and recovery and recycling methodologies to the extent possible""
Cr Bruce said that he also seeks reassurance from CentrePort that they will publish regular updates including fumigation figures and outline progress towards introducing recapture technology and the use of alternative methods so that there is a high level of public transparency with respect to progress being made.
Cr Paul Bruce
Wellington Regional Councillor
"Paul Bruce your Regional Councillor
Twitter/Skype: "paulebruce"
of motion - Cr Paul Bruce
Councillor Bruce has given
notice of his intention to move the following motion at
Council’s meeting on 20 March 2013:
“That the Council:
1. Notes:
Environmental Risk Management
Authority decision November 2010, requires all methyl
fumigations to be recaptured
within 10 years, and where recapture technology is not used,
monitoring reports to the EPA,
local Department of Labour and the relevant Medical Officer
Health, and that all monitoring
reports will be published on the EPA
That recapture is necessary
because of the high level of public concern about the
hazardous nature
of methyl bromide and
to protect the ozone layer, in accordance with New Zealand's
under the Montreal
That the annual reports
outlining progress towards introducing recapture technology
and the use of
alternative methods
supplied by CentrePort to EPA have not been made available
to the Public or
Greater Wellington
Regional Council
That Port Nelson
requires that all methyl bromide fumigations within its Port
operational area to be
according to a Port Code of Practice and the Nelson City
Council Air Plan
The Port Nelson Code of
Practice, which incorporates fumigant recapture, has been
accepted by the
fumigation operator,
timber industry representatives and Port Nelson Ltd (PNL).
Compliance with
this Code is the
responsibility of the fumigator and a requirement in order
to operate at Port Nelson
2: As majority
Congratulates CentrePort on its intention to move to recapture technology for the fumigant methyl bromide in this next financial year
Recommends that CentrePort publishes regular updates including fumigation figures and outlining progress towards introducing recapture technology and the use of alternative methods so that there is a high level of public transparency with respect to progress being made