Two ticks for gender diversity in the census
Two ticks for gender diversity in the census
The Queer Avengers are supporting the call for gender diversity in the census. To support this call people can tick both “male” and “female” on the March 5th Census.
The Queer Avengers note that those included by the current categories can tick both boxes as a sign of support. “Many of us identify as male or female,” notes Queer Avenger Ian Anderson, “but we are ticking both boxes to show solidarity.”
“Gender is a spectrum,” Anderson continues. “Some people are born intersex. Some people live as fa’afafine. Some people identify with a binary gender, male or female, but not the gender they were assigned at birth, while others don’t identify with the binary at all.” However, Anderson notes that the current census does not cover these identifications.
The Queer Avengers note that this exclusion has wider effects, in healthcare and other policies. “Policy is formed based on census data,” says Queer Avenger Emily Haskell. “If they’re asking the wrong questions they’ll get the wrong answers. This results in narrow and unrepresentative policies in government and beyond – policies which alienate trans* people throughout public life.”
The Queer Avengers note that this is one of many ways transfolk are marginalised and oppressed. “We’re just getting started in understanding gender and sexual diversity,” concludes Anderson, “and making a better world.”