Christchurch-West Melton Zone Committee Meeting
27 February 2013
Christchurch-West Melton Zone Committee Meeting
The Christchurch-West Melton Zone Committee will meet for its first monthly meeting of the year on Thursday, 28 February, to discuss local water management issues.
A key focus for the meeting will be on the Natural Environment Recovery Programme (NERP). NERP is being led by Environment Canterbury in partnership with CERA, Ngai Tahu, Ngā Papatipu Rūnanga, CDHB, DoC, and Territorial Authorities.
NERP will contribute to a number of CERA’s earthquake Recovery Strategy’s goals, and engage multiple stakeholders. It will be based on evidence and information collated from research, investigations and monitoring, and from groups and individuals in the community.
The committee will discuss NERP in the context of the Canterbury Water Management Strategy (CWMS) and the Christchurch-West Melton Zone Implementation Programme (ZIP), and reach a consensus position on the programme.
The vision of the CWMS is to enable future generations the greatest social, economic, recreational, cultural benefits from our water resources. The committee’s ZIP brings together the its recommendations for water management in the zone to achieve the goals and targets set out in the CWMS.
In late 2012, and early 2013, the committee worked with the community and stakeholders to gather feedback on its recommendations. Once the ZIP has been finalised, it will be presented to councils to form the basis for the design and realignment of water management work programmes. At Thursday’s meeting, the committee will review the timetable for finalising the ZIP.
The committee will also be briefed on the actions being undertaken to mitigate wastewater issues following the earthquake, and the impact broken pipes and storm-water systems is having on the Avon/Otakaro.
Next, the committee will focus on biodiversity and Immediate Steps funding. The committee will be asked to consider providing funding for four local biodiversity projects, which include weed and pest control, fencing, and planting initiatives.
The committee will finish the meeting by discussing the process and timing for appointment of community members as each committee’s three year tenure comes to an end.
The Christchurch-West Melton Zone Committee, formed in late 2011, operates as a joint committee of Environment Canterbury, Christchurch City Council and the Selwyn District Council. It features six community members as well as three Rūnanga representatives and three from councils.
Committee meetings are open to the public and community members are provided opportunities to participate in water management discussions and share their ideas.
Christchurch – West Melton Zone
Committee meeting
6pm, Thursday, 28 February
Boardroom, Fendalton Service Centre, corner of Clyde and
Jeffreys Roads
For an agenda visit: