12 year old girl fights off attacker
12 year old girl fights off attacker
The Girls’ Self Defence Project congratulates the 12 year old girl in Lower Hutt who successfully fought off an attack and attempted abduction last night. “Her courageous response to this attack is very impressive” said Project spokeswoman Alison Broad. “From our understanding of what happened, she did everything right. She fought off the attacker and escaped to safety. It appears she was also able to give a clear description of the offender.”
The Girls’ Self Defence Project has taught self defence to thousands of girls in the Wellington area, including the Hutt, over the past 17 years. “We strongly believe in the importance of women and girls in our communities being taught how to keep safe from violence and abuse” said Ms Broad.
“It is always disturbing to hear of any attacks on girls and young women. But it is a relief to hear when girls and women successfully thwart the attack” said Ms Broad.