Rural Support Trusts back Shakeout Earthquake Drill
12 September 2012
Rural Support Trusts throughout New Zealand are giving their backing to the Civil Defence “Shakeout” earthquake drill being held at 9:26am on 26th September 2012.
At 9:26, 26/9, Rural Support Trusts are asking farmers to stop for a moment and think – if there had just been a major earthquake:
Are your family and
staff safe?
If you have lost services or infrastructure,
are you able to keep your farm operating?
Following the 2010 Darfield earthquake some properties did not have power for up to a week. Also, rotary dairy platforms were knocked off their mountings, grain silos collapsed, and reticulated water systems were damaged. In the 1987 Edgecumbe earthquake, milk silos at the dairy factory collapsed. The 1968 Inangahua earthquake saw all roads out of the area blocked.
“The priority for restoring services such as electricity and telephone service is likely to go to the areas of highest population first,” says Lindsay Wright of the Southland Rural Support Trust. “This means that the more remote rural areas may have to wait several days for restoration of services. If the roads are blocked, then maybe longer.”
Rural Support Trusts are asking farmers to take the opportunity during the Shakeout event to consider their readiness, response and recovery plans should such an event occur in their area.
**About the Rural Support Trusts**
Rural Support Trusts help people and families in the wider rural community who experience an adverse event – climatic, financial or personal – to more effectively meet and overcome these challenges. Services are free and confidential.