Justspeak Fundraiser - Documentary Night
Justspeak Fundraiser - Documentary Night
JustSpeak, a criminal justice group that is the youth arm of Rethinking Crime and Punishment, is running a fundraiser with two documentaries on Monday 3 September at 6pm, at St John's in the City on Willis Street.
JustSpeak is holding a Camp on 21 September-23 September - and to raise money for Camp, we are hosting this movie night. It'll be $10 entry, and we'll be showing two documentaries: "Crime and Punishment", a 2010 documentary on the state of the debate on criminal justice in New Zealand, and "Notorious", a shorter documentary on the Mongrel Mob. We'll also have a raffle and some baking. Come and support the Camp by making a small donation to JustSpeak. Your entry to this fundraiser will help fund a free Camp for young people interested in justice issues coming from around the country.
You can find out more about JustSpeak at justspeak.org.nz; also if you're on Facebook check out the Facebook page for this event at http://www.facebook.com/events/346953548722553/.
It would be great to start to build a bigger coalition of people interested in justice issues in New Zealand - if anyone is interested, come along on Monday the 3rd! And feel free to spread to your networks.