Kaipara Council in Desperate Straits
Press Release
Kaipara Council in Desperate Straits
Kaipara District is facing a dire financial crisis, as graphically highlighted in this year’s Long Term Plan Process. The Council was, and continues to be presented with the opportunity of openly acknowledging the situation, engaging with those who had legitimate concerns, and asking the ratepayers for help. Rather than taking a sensible, objective approach the Council floated a Draft Long Term Plan that has been a catalyst and focus for political protest and the Council continues to stumble forward at the continued duress of Kaipara ratepayers and residents.
The situation has now reached the point where Council has become part of the problem; no matter what new initiatives are put in place Council has lost both the trust and confidence of ratepayers and residents. The level of loss can be gauged by the massive number of ratepayers who have joined the rates strike. The rates strike will continue to grow. The district is being destructively polarised by the actions of council. This Council has little hope of ever regaining district confidence as it stands now.
The Kaipara Citizens and Ratepayers Association has suggested to Councillors that they need to fully understand the situation which they find themselves in and they need to reflect carefully on the remedial action they need to take. In order for this District to move ahead it needs new leadership. To this end Councillors are being asked to step aside and allow commissioners (with no political ties) to be appointed.