Industry leaders boost Pasifika rebuilding role
24 May 2012 – For immediate release
leaders boost Pasifika rebuilding role
Industry leaders meet the new generation of Pasifika tradespeople at an event hosted by The Built Environment Training Alliance (BETA) and CPIT next Tuesday night (29 May).
Christchurch Mayor Bob Parker, and key industry employers will speak to the Pasifika community at the function about employment opportunities for the rebuild of Christchurch.
CPIT, as part of an initiative led by the Tertiary Education Commission, launched Pasifika Trades Training (PTT) this year to provide industry-endorsed trades training that leads to employment, contributes to the skills demand in Christchurch and benefits Pasifika individuals, families and communities. The programme is run in partnership with ministers from the Pasifika church community and embedded in a cultural context.
The Built Environment Training Alliance (BETA) is an alliance of eight Industry Training Organisations (ITOs) that have an interest in the building, construction and infrastructure industries. “We are passionate about ensuring the Pasifika community has every opportunity to achieve within the sector,” BETA Chair Philip Aldridge said. “Central to this is our commitment to facilitating collaboration between ITOs and industry employers.” Companies such as Hawkins have been quick to respond.
"The successful rebuild of Christchurch requires
investment in the local communities,” Hawkins National
Manager of Health and Safety, Andrew Confait, said.
“Hawkins is big on forming local partnerships and we are
working with Ngāi Tahu to build Māori capability within
the trade industry by facilitating employment opportunities
and supporting graduates of He Toki ki te Rika, CPIT’s
Māori trade training programme.
“Together we can
widen the potential labour pool for the local construction
industry, which can only be good for the regional
The programme is already producing success
stories. Junior Loua was a machine upgrader before signing
up with PTT. The programme facilitated his return to
training by providing a scholarship and cultural support.
“It’s a second chance. I never made it to year 10
because of family commitments - supporting my family and
things like that. At PTT we have this saying, that we can
only work as fast as the last man, so we motivate each
other,” he said.
Junior has completed six months of
fitting and turning under PTT and soon starts six months of
welding and fabrication. The opportunity to meet employers
was important, he said; “So Pasifika will see that
employers do want them and they have got a sense of
Rev. Fitifiti Luatua supports the PTT
students and regularly visits the workshops and classrooms
at CPIT. He believes that upskilling Pasifika benefits the
wider population. “An area of education we really need is
qualified trades people in our community in the future,
especially with the rebuild of the city… for the benefit
of everyone. But the most important thing is that there are
a lot of prospects for jobs and apprenticeships ready.”
An estimated 18,000 skilled people are needed for
construction and infrastructure work in Christchurch in the
next two to three years. Collaboration amongst polytechnics,
ITOs, industry and government is essential to ensure that
all Cantabrians have the opportunity to upskill and
contribute to New Zealand’s biggest building and recovery
The BETA/CPIT Pasifika Training and Employment event is on Tuesday 29 May, 5.30 to 7pm at Student Services Building, Sullivan Avenue campus, CPIT.