Port Zone In Place Since 1987
In the context of the Auckland Plan process, the Port’s key interest is in protecting the current port zone, which has been through two public submissions processes and has been in place and public since 1987.
The zone effectively allows the option for port expansion in the future, but any actual proposals for expansion of Port operations would then be subject to widespread public consultation and Resource Consent processes.
The Port is not seeking any development consents now. The Auckland Plan would only preserve the existing zone and that would not give the Port a right to development.
Ports of Auckland General Manager of Infrastructure, Ben Chrystall says any future development of the Port will be subject to rigorous evaluation during resource consent processes.
“Future development for the Port in step with population, economic and freight growth over the next few decades is an important point for Aucklanders to consider and debate over the long term.“
Ports of Auckland Ltd is New Zealand’s most important port, handling around 894,000 TEU (20ft-equivalent units), more than 1,500 ship calls and 3.5 m tonnes of break-bulk (non-containerised) cargo per annum. It is New Zealand’s leading import port and a key partner to export and import industries, as well as New Zealand’s premier cruise port and vehicle import gateway. Ports of Auckland is 100%-owned by Auckland Council Investments Ltd.