Five knot speed limit for jet skis
Five knot speed limit for jet skis
A number of
complaints have been received by Gisborne District Council
about jet skis speeding up and down the city’s rivers in
the last few weeks. Skiers are reminded that their toys can
be dangerous and they must stick to a five knot speed limit.
City rivers are already busy with waka ama crews, rowers and kayakers so any type of motorised craft must take extra care, says Sarwan Kumar, regulatory services manager. “Our beaches are starting to fill up with locals and holiday makers enjoying a famous Gisborne summer. We urge all boaties to use common sense especially when close to shore and around swimmers. Slow down, it is very hard to see people in the water if you are travelling at speed."
A maximum speed of 5 knots (9km/hr) for jet skis or any boat towing water skiers and biscuits within 200 metres of shore or on rivers is stipulated in Gisborne District Council’s Navigation Safety bylaw. This is also the maximum speed within 50 metres of another craft or people in the water. An observer must be on board during towing or water skiing activities.
“Surf lifesavers patrolling our beaches will be Council’s eyes and ears. They will be keeping an eye on boat and jet ski behaviour close to shore. Their job is to keep beach users safe. If they see anyone not complying with the bylaw they will contact the police. If you are approached by a lifeguard please listen and do what they say – they are there to help you keep safe.”
Visitors and residents are reminded that to use a jet ski in the Gisborne district it must be registered with Council. Registration is free and enables Council to monitor jet ski activity. Jet skis must display a unique identification number on both sides of the craft. The registration form is available from Council’s website or Customer Services in Fitzherbert Street or Te Puia Springs.
There are designated jet ski areas beyond Midway Beach identified by orange posts and signs on the beach. Keep a safe distance from swimmers and surfers and stay 200 metres away from the waters edge.
• Don't drink and boat or jet
• Wear your lifejacket at all
• Don't overload the boat, it could
• Don’t tow anyone on your jet
• Tell someone what your plans are before
heading out on to the water.
• If you are water
skiing, you must have an observer, not just the driver, on
the boat.