Notices served on Occupy Dunedin
[Original Documents at Notices served on Occupy Dunedin - Dunedin City Council]
1 November 2011
To Members of Occupy Dunedin
For 18 days now, since 15 October, Occupy Dunedin have maintained a 24 hour presence in Dunedin's Upper Octagon. This protest has precluded alternative public access to this space and is in contravention of the Council's ReservesBylaw and the Camping Control Bylaw.
There have been several meetings and communications between the Dunedin City Council and the protest group including the attendance of Occupy Dunedin representatives at the Council’s Public Forum. The alternative venue offered by the Council for your protest camp of the Market Reserve was rejected by Occupy Dunedin.
The Octagon is a reserve which the Council administers for the benefit of the public and your occupation is standing in the way of the wider public's right to use the area.
Your camping in the Octagon has gone well beyond what is reasonable and now displays a disregard for the lawful entitlement of others to enjoy the Octagon. The Council cannot condone continuing breaches of legal requirements such as the camping bylaws.
In the absence of any gesture on your part to negotiate a mutually agreeable outcome the Council now requires you to cease camping and leave the Octagon.
The Council regrets we have had to resort to such a move but in the wider interests of the community your unwillingness to negotiate has obliged the Council to seek a resolution through legal enforcement action.
Enclosed is a trespass notice requiring the camping to cease by 8pm, Tuesday 1 November 2011.
With the issuing of this notice, the offer to Occupy Dunedin to use the Market Reserve is withdrawn.