WWF Staff staff in Tauranga to help with oil spill response

Published: Tue 11 Oct 2011 10:25 AM
WWF-New Zealand staff in Tauranga to help with oil spill response
WWF-New Zealand staff have this morning arrived in Tauranga to offer their support to the oil spill response efforts taking place in the region.
Rebecca Bird, WWF-New Zealand Marine Programme Manager, said: “We are deeply concerned about the threat this oil poses to our marine wildlife, especially seabirds and dolphins. The next 24-48 hours are pivotal if an environmental catastrophe is to be averted.
“If the poor weather conditions forecasted damage the ship further there is a risk of up to 1700 tonnes of oil leaking into the sea, with catastrophic results for wildlife, beaches and people.”
Ms Bird and two colleagues will today be meeting with Maritime New Zealand, Massey University’s Oiled Wildlife Response team and local community conservation groups including the Matakana Island Marine Club.
WWF has helped fund the latter group’s restoration work for the Ureturituri Catchment wetlands.
Ms Bird said: “We are all too familiar with the effects of oil which can coat the feathers of our marine birds such as shags and little blue penguins. If reached in time they can be collected and taken to specialist rescue centres to be washed and rehabilitated. Our shorebirds, such as the endangered New Zealand dotterel, fairy terns, waders and godwits are also now at risk as oil washes ashore and threatens their coastal habitat. WWF recommends that important wetland ecosystems such as Maketū estuary and those on Matakana Island be protected as a priority.”

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